My heart rate distribution for the past 28 days:
Power distribution for the same period:
The next few weeks will see an increase in Temop and Threshold percentage.
Notes on my attempt to ride a bike faster.
My heart rate distribution for the past 28 days:
So, to what do you attribute the difference in HR and power in the upper ranges? I know what you will say for the lower ranges...
I cant see that it makes sense that you would be in the tempo/threshold range long enough for your HR to raise to that level yet your power would not show it...
... or is that you did not ride with your power meter on rides where you did ride with your HR monitor? Dirt road rides? It would be better to see the time rather than percentage for that particular question... the one that still haunts my nights... as you know...
The discrepancies are caused by the differences of HR/Pwr relationship on my trainer and also not having a power meter on my dirt road rides, where I have done a significant amount of tempo work.
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