Wednesday, April 23, 2008

TdG Wheel-Suck Power

From VeloNews:

What kind of power did it take for Health Net-Maxxis rider Frank Pipp to win the KOM jersey in stage 2 of the Tour of Georgia? According to his coach, Frank Overton, it took 874 watts or 12.5 watts/kg for 30 seconds. "Pipp jumped 100 meters before a 90-degree left hand turn (12 secs @ 948w) then gave it full gas for 873 watts for the next 15 seconds, accelerating all the way to the line, " Overton said.

Frank Pipp - 2008 Tour de Georgia

"For the first 60k & 80 minutes of the race, Frank was on break duty and tagged several moves for 309 normalized watts, which is tempo wattage for him.

As soon Justin England went clear, the speed of the peloton settled and Frank sat in the for an easy zone 2 ride of 220 watts for the next 21/2 hours.

Interesting. I'm surprised that it would only take 220 watts (NP, I assume - based on the above NP references) to sit in the TdG peloton for a 2.5-hour period, even if it was a slow section. That's easier than a typical 225-230 w NP, 5-hr Peach Peloton ride, and much easier than our 1.5-hr 275-watt Tuesday Worlds rides.

I'll download some of the WKO+ power files and take a closer look. If I find anything interesting, I'll post it here.


Rich Gift Of Lins said...

Yes, I saw that too and thought exactly the same as you. At 49yrs I could keep up with them as long as they kept it steady. I can't maintain 800W+ for more than a couple of seconds though!

tdg training said...

Those stuffs in his legs are no longer muscles and power, I think they are already made of steel. Man he is a good biker.I couldn't even last a mile in one of those things.